$20 Bilingual Lent Dollar Bill Folders - John 3:16 (Pkg of 50)

$20 Bilingual Lent Dollar Bill Folders - John 3:16 (Pkg of 50)

SKU: 1079
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average rating 80%
1 reviews

Sale: $43.95  

Originally: $48.49

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$20 Bilingual Lent folders featuring John 3:16 in English and Spanish. These Lenten coin folders hold up to $20 in dollar bills. Requires 4 1/8 x 6 1/8 inch envelope to mail. Price is for 50 lent gleaner books. Ask and you shall receive more and sometimes larger donations.
Front Text: My Lenten Offering - Mi Ofrenda de Cuaresma
Back Text: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16 (NIV)
Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna. - Juan 3:16 (NVI)

Create a new way to help fundraising efforts for churches or other non-profit organizations. Blank envelopes with gummed flap provide and easy and convenient way to reach those who cannot attend services or an event in person. One folded Coin Folder fits nicely into an A-6 envelope and can be mailed out with a USPS first class stamp (stamps not included). Sold in packs of 50. Custom printing available; please call for quote.

  • Size: 4 inches wide x 6 inches tall (Folded)
  • Material: Card Stock Paper
  • Pieces in Pack: 50
  • Currency Type: Dollar Bills
  • Number of Slots: 20 
  • Language: English/Spanish
  • Envelopes Included: Available with or without envelopes

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average rating 80%
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average rating 80%
Fast response 02/24/2023
By Rudolph Gonzalez
We needed more lenten folders. Fast and prompt ordering and delivery. Thank you.

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