I Love Jesus Sparkling Heart Pin Multi Color

I Love Jesus Sparkling Pin Multi Colors

SKU: 6998
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5 reviews

Sale: $3.29  

Originally: $5.95

Qty.   1 - 24     25 - 99     100+  
Price $5.95 $5.95 $5.95
Sale!     $3.29 $2.95 $2.39


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I Love Jesus multicolored sparkling glitter heart pin with heart, 1 1/2 inch wide. Layered in 18K gold. Glitter on all letters. I love (heart) Jesus pin with secure locking bar clasp; in green, red, blue, gold, and clear, make a statement about your faith. The brooch is large enough for everyone to see yet small enough to be tasteful. Proclaim your love and faith in God to all you pass.

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Featured Reviews:

average rating 100%
A blessing! 12/10/2023
By Katherine Sanford
Thanks so much! I give these out at work at Sam's club and my husband gives these out also. People really like them and I always tell them where I got them! I tell people it'sy badge!
average rating 100%
I love Jesus pins 02/12/2025
By Katie Sanford
Thanks so much! I actually received an extra pin. I really appreciate your timely delivery. I sent an email and left a message about the extra pin. Thanks again.
average rating 100%
Pins 02/12/2025
By Katie Sanford
I really appreciate your timely delivery. I had received an extra pin. Just wanted to let you know.

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