Wood Hand Prayer Cross Comfort Edged

Wood Hand Prayer Cross Comfort Edged

SKU: 8207-1
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2 reviews

Sale: $6.59  

Originally: $10.95

Qty.   1 - 24     25+  
Price $10.95 $10.95
Sale!     $6.59 $5.49


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Exclusive! Value priced hand held prayer comfort cross is 3 3/4 inches tall, and made of finished wood. It has rounded soft edges for hand comfort. Great for children and adults. Hold in your hand when praying for additional comfort. Fits into pocket or purse. Nice use in VBS, summer camps, fidgety children's hands. Others sell for up to $12.98! "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." - Psalm 52:8.

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Featured Reviews:

average rating 100%
Wooden Palm Crosses 05/13/2021
By James Williams
These are amazing gifts to bring to people who are ill, under stress, going through major changes. They fit amazingly comfortably in your hands, and every person who receives them instantly feels that. They are packaged in individual wrappers (an unexpected plus!), and the Church Supplier team quickly delivered them to us. They are not inexpensive, but I can assure you that they are worth every penny of the price! They powerfully and positively impact the lives of whoever you give them to. You'll want to buy in bulk, as the number of recipients who can benefit from these is unlimited.
average rating 100%
Wooden Palm Crosses 01/02/2020
By James Williams
Our clergy and lay members love giving these crosses to those who can benefit from a reminder of God's great love for them - in good times and in those times that challenge all of us. These are the perfect shape to fit into the recipient's hand, and they instantly connect with feelings of love, joy, gratitude, hope, and healing. The prices are reasonable, and the message they convey are immeasurable.

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