Liberty Bell Pin, Liberty Lapel Pin, Patriotic Pins

Liberty Bell Pin, Liberty Lapel Pin, Patriotic Pins

SKU: 875
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Sale: $2.49  

Originally: $3.98

Qty.   1 - 5     6 - 23     24 - 143     144+  
Price $3.98 $3.98 $3.98 $3.95
Sale!     $2.49 $1.98 $1.89 $1.69
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Liberty Bell pin is available in Gold or the original Bronze color of the bell. The Bell was ordered in 1751 to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of William Penn's 1701 Charter of Privileges and used to commemorate freedom on July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia. The Liberty Bell is an international symbol of freedom and makes an ideal patriotic pin. The perfect patriotic apparel for Independence Day or wear this Liberty Bell lapel pin everyday.

  • Size: 1/2 inch wide x 3/4 inch tall
  • Finish: Gold or Bronze Plating
  • Backing: Post with Butterfly Clutch

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Liberty Bell Lapel pin 03/07/2025
By Michael Scott
A great way to show your patriotism to this country. This Liberty Bell is one of the most iconic images of the American Revolutionary period. A lot of Patriotic institutions use this image. It is a great lapel pin, if put in a hole for a button or on a collar works best to show this pin. It has a great post and clutch backing to secure it to clothing.
average rating 100%
High Quality Great Price 01/20/2020
By James P. Trakas
This made in USA lapel pin of the Liberty Bell is not your standard lapel pin. Priced effectively, it stands out on your clothes and shows everyone how proud you are to be an American and reflects well on the American workers who made this. Great product and no communist made money from my purchase.
average rating 100%
Liberty Bell Lapel Pin 07/03/2019
By Susan Sullivan
I ordered this pin with 3 others. They arrived promptly and are very attractive and appear to be sturdy. I ordered this in the bronze and it is very classy. Small, but attention getting! I would order again.

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